Thursday, March 17, 2011

How Pool Owners Can Save $2000

As you are already New QLD Pool Safety Laws came into effect 1 December 2010. These new laws have and will continue to effect just about everyone whether you are a home owner, tenant, landlord, buyer or seller.

These new laws carry fines for non adherence to them.

This document has been created to remind the public that all pools & spas need to be registered with the Pool Safety Council by 4 May 2011. This register is basically just a list of all pools & spas in Queensland. The local councils have been supplying the Pool Safety Council with data from their records for some time now for registration of pools & spas.

It is the pool owners’ reponsiblity to check that their pool & spa is on the register by 4 May 2011. If it is not on the register then you need to register the pool & spa online or can contact the Pool Safety Council through one of the following:

Pool Safety Council

Telephone: 1800 340 634  Fax 0732371248
Postal address: GPO
Box 907 Brisbane, Queensland

Extra Info on Pool Safety Register
(Sourced from
Department of Local Government and Planning)

Property search

The pool safety register has been developed under the new pool safety laws. The register is being populated with Local Governments' records of regulated pools across Queensland.
Pool owners should check the register after 1 March 2011 to ensure their pool has been registered. If your pool is not on the register after this date, you have until 4 May 2011 to register your pool. Penalties of up to $2,000 will apply after this time.
If the register shows that there is a current pool safety certificate for a property this can be relied on for any sale or lease of a regulated pool.
You can now begin a search for a property and view details of the most recent pool safety certificate if one has been issued for that property.
To Search a property    go to

Register your pool or spa

All pools in Queensland need to be registered. Fines of up to $2,000 may apply if your pool is not registered by 4 May 2011. To check if your pool is registered, simply conduct a property search on the pool register tool.
Enter your property details. The register will validate the address entered and will advise if the pool is registered and if there is a valid pool safety certificate attached to the property.
If the register states no pools are recorded against this property, click on ‘alert the Pool Safety Council’ and enter the number of pools and spas located on the property.
To Register your pool go to
By using this method, your obligations to register your pool or spa will be satisfied even though the registration will not show up automatically on the pools register. The information emailed to the department will then be uploaded onto the database

For further information contact:

DM Realty                                         
5/52 French St Pimlico   Q    4812  PO Box 3118 Hermit Park  Q  4812                   
Phone (07) 47 244 611  Fax     (07) 47 244 677                     

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